Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step...then a car journey and a bus then two trains and two flights and one final car journey. Few!

I am finally in OZ!!!
There are many things I could blog about right now, but firstly, and probably most importantly I feel like I should write about the journey, as that is the only part of my journey which is actually, well, kinda compulsary. It wouldn't be a very good blog if I didn't actually go anywhere! The problem with this is, although as I mentioned it's a pretty straightforward and neccessary part of the whole travelling experience it also took the best part of three days, so I'm going to try and make this simple.

Things I liked about travelling
  • The fact that I was flying. Not as gracefully as one might imagine, as I was stuck in a stuffy tin can but hey, beggars can't be choosers
  • Lots and lots of new movies. Simple minds and all that
  • The fact that Jake put all the gherkins on my half of the double cheeseburger. Nom nom!
  • Aaaaand the fact that I was getting to where I was going...as you do.
Things I didn't like
  • Sitting still for too long
  • Not washing/sleeping in 3 days. Leads to much grumpiness
  • Being called a "gerk muncher" for enjoying my gherkiny side of the burger...by Jake
  • Aaaaand the fact that I didn't see sunlight for a few days, due to flying alongside the night most of the time (as dramatic as that sounds it actually just involves a whole lot of NOT looking out windows). Oh this point also has a kind of side note; eating your main meal at around midnight 3 days running. Really gets your digestive parts in a muddle!
The last couple of hours of the flight though we managed to catch up with daylight, and so the looking out of the window commences. Australia looks stunning from a plane. Really honestly does. It looked like something off of the discovery channel! I could basically hear David Attemborogh (forgive the spelling mistake, but there was no way I was going to get that one right!) commentating in the back of my mind! I suppose this could be taken as proof of hearing voices due to severe sleep deprivation though, rather than being testiment to how beautiful Down Under is from up high, but I'll leave that one to your judgement!

I need to go and have a shower. Really really do. Feeling a little bit smelly right now.
Love to all of you


  1. Hurray! Managed to make a comment. we love reading your blog. makes us laugh out loud!! Great to speak to you this morning... sorry about lil's lack of cooperation.
    love ems and dad x

  2. You know I didn't realise just how much I love you till you went....I have a Beth shaped hole in my life which I am struggling to fill.....there is funnily enough a Jake shaped hole beside you....I am glad I have learnt how to blog...lovely to see what you are thinking and feeling while you are away..come back safe..both of you ..mummy middleton x
