Sunday, 20 March 2011

City of Lights, Second attempt!

about the last post, I would like to apoligies.But I blame it on the invention of boxes of wine!
Not only can you have copious amounts for a very small price, but it's very hard to keep track of how much you've drunk! With a bottle it's just, oops, I'm halfway through, better slow down, and then once you've finished the bottle you know your at prime perfect drunkness and thats the time to swap onto lemonade or something.
With the box you have no idea how much you've drunk, until the box becomes considerably lighter and Jake decides to, out of curiousity, take the bag out of the box and see how much was left.
The answer? Not alot. Between me and Jake nearly all 4 litres had been consumed. Yesterday morning began at about 2pm with a banging headache, spinning dorm room and overactive gag reflex. Blerg!
Anyways, I'm going to try and explain (again!) why I'm referring to Melbourne as the city of lights. 
In the daytime it's nothing spectacular. I mean, it's pretty great but not like, wow! Well, a little bit wow. Quite a bit wow! But the lights are the cherry on top. In the day there's buskers on every corner, artists drawing famous paintings in chalk on the sidewalk, thousands of boutiqes and cafes and gymnasts all competing for your loose change. It's hustley and bustley, but it doesn't feel as crammed as London. So you get the feeling that there's something going on all the time, without the voice in th back of your head going "So, this is what it feels like to be a sardine!" (That's the sort of thing my little voice often comes out with. If everybodies conscience was as absurd as mine Pinnochio would have been a much more interesting movie!). But at night the citie's just incredible. 
The trees lining the side of the roads are apparantly, not quite green enough, and so they pump the bark with a luminescent green glow, kind of like The Hulk in foliage form. Every building is lit up in bright whites and yellows, and the stadium in the distance twinkles in pinks and purples. Me and Jake stop off at the bridge, where we get a great view of the whole city (twice over if you count the reflection), and a bierded busker starts tootling away on his flute. Jake turns to me,  "Well that's a nice touch!". Suuuure is. 
On the way home we pass through the rememberance garden. The Romanesque building, with two lots of steps on every side and 5 columns lining the entrance is basking in a honey glow, as the sprinklers fracture the light and add extra entertainement for those immature enough to dare try and outrun them. There's a fire lit, flickering either side. 
And that's why it is the city of lights!
Hopefully I've redeemed myself a little. I haven't read through the last post. I'm too ashamed! But I can't bring myself to delete it, I guess it's all part of the blogging thing!
Love to eeeeeeeveryone back home. :)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are having a fantastic time..lovely to read your blog as always...bethy blue and Jake you look after yourselves xxx
