Sunday, 6 February 2011

Blog off!

It's been a month since I first considered making a blog, nearly two weeks since I started pondering over the title and an hour since I dragged myself off facebook and started tryin to figure this out, but at long last, I'm blogging!
I have to say,
I'm underwhelmed.
At the moment It's ultimately a beige web page with a scattering of birds and a simple (I'll admit snazzy) title.
But it's done!
I'm off to work in an hour (second shift of the day), trying to earn money for the trip and wishing away the new year blues. Plus the little brother is wiiining and wiiiiining and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiining about getting his laptop back!
I'll probably be writing again ridiculously soon, before the novelty wears off.


A couple of days on...
And yes, I've just gone through and altered the spelling of sinse to since, as apparantly my version of the word is not up to blogging standards (as was pointed out by all three friends/family members that I proudly forced to read my first blog). After trying to argue that it was part of creative licence and that "if Shakespear can make up words, why can't I!?" (apparantly you can only start getting things wrong once you've acheived genius status) I've given up, and conformed. So there it is, first blog complete, spell checked and all.


  1. Beth this is such a good idea...hopefully a lot of people will read about your travels!!

  2. I think you mean whining instead of wiiiiiiining ;)
