Wednesday, 16 February 2011

And it begins...


Oh deary me. The reality has just hit.
5 days until my last day of work.
10 days until my last day in Bude
12 Days until my last day in the UK
...Tick Tock Tick Tock.
I can't spend much more time with my family! I can't save much more money! I can't even see the carpet in my room! I'm SO NOT READY!
Breath iiiiin, breath oooooooooout. Breath iiiiiiiiiiiiiin, breath ooooooooooooooooooout. 

I need to pull myself together.

It's only at this point though that you begin to see whats important to you. What makes "home" work. And yes, all the obvious things are there, the family, my own bed, saying goodbye to friends, but all the trivial things float to the surface.
I've been stressing about whose going to dye my hair! Yup. I'm going to a different country, I'm not going to see anyone I love for the next few months (except for the boyfriend), I'm leaving all I've ever known behind to travel one of the most amazing countrys in the world ...and I don't know whose going to dye my hair. 
Everyone kept saying "Oooh, this is your chance to really get to grips with who you are as a person". I didn't realise I'd come out so shallow!
Fingers crossed I work out how to do it myself, or Jake has a sudden moment of hairdressy confidence and flair (I think its more likely that Chuck Norris himself turns up out of nowhere and offers to do it, or that I get into some freak accident involving toxic waste that turns my hair permanantly red and supplys me with multiple super human powers, but hey! At least I'm not ruling it out completely!).

I'll let you know if any more personality traits come to light, the first gap year fueled apiphany wasn't as dramatic as I'd have liked, but it's a start.
Keep following. I'd imagine this is where it starts to get interesting, as if/ when I have an emotional break down this blog'l be the first place I turn to rant. 
Aaaand I'm off to panic some more. 

1 comment:

  1. Beth ..... you are actually in Australia as I write..just wondering how the red hair is doing in the sun??? Hoping it's not gone orange lol..and that Jake will manage to help you dye your least then he can see what a woman goes through for beauty..hee hee :p
